Traverse City Board Gamers Previews FAZA

 “FAZA is a ball-buster. The conditions on the battlefield start bad and get worse immediately. But the reward when you win—if you win—is worth the effort … the celebration of that victory will be worth the pain of previous loss and failure. … I’ve been playtesting this game for more than two years and have been privy to many developments along the way. … it’s a game worth backing.” –David Noller from Traverse City Board Gamers

The Cardboard Republic Previews FAZA

“Faza follows in the footsteps of other challenging but enjoyable co-ops such as Forbidden Island and Pandemic. Playthroughs can painstakingly devolve from the edge of success to utter defeat in short order, snatching defeat away from you just when you feel you have a solid chance at victory. But it does so in that intoxicating way good co-ops do, having you mutter “Next Time” as you begin picking up the pieces. With a wonderful dose of retro sci-fi artwork, an appealing table presence, and dynamic team-centric turns where everyone gets a say over the best course of action, Faza makes for an engaging, tough, and often unpredictable game of daring survival.” – Ryan LaFlamme from The Cardboard Republic