
Progress Report: August 2019

Now that the Kickstarter campaign has come to a close, I’ll be posting progress reports to show the progress we’re making towards polishing FAZA and getting it ready for manufacturing and fulfillment.

Outlined below are updates and items we’ve completed over the past month. Do let me know if you have any questions or comments about them.

  • Custom Meeples: In the past two weeks we finalized on a design for the custom meeples. In the image below you can see the shape, colors, and sizes for the player meeples, Faza Drone meeples, and Rebel meeples.
  • Box Design: We’ve finalized on the design for the box top and sides, which you can see in the image below. We’re still working on the box back. 
  • Rulebook Editing: We’ve done another round of editing on the rulebook: incorporated feedback from backers, added additional text and examples, and moved a few sections earlier in the rulebook to help clarify mothership combat. You may download and read the latest rulebook here on FAZA’s website.
  • Rulebook Graphics: We are still working on the graphic design for the rulebook and are hoping to have new visual elements and layout that fits better with the aesthetic of the game in the next month.
  • Stretch Goal Board Art: The additional board art is currently in our illustrator’s queue of work. He currently has a few projects ahead of ours and will get to it in about a month and a half.
  • Manufacturing Update: We have finalized on a quote with Longpack Games and are waiting on the final pieces of art and graphic design before we send them our files.
  • Honorary Producers: We gathered information from the Honorary Producers. Their names have been added to the rulebook under the credits section. The Game Crafter is currently in the process of manufacturing their prototype copies as part of their reward.

The above progress report was cross-posted on FAZA’s Kickstarters campaign.

A Successful Kickstarter!

After spending years designing FAZA and a year preparing for the Kickstarter campaign, we successfully met our funding goal. The fact that it happened is still settling in.

It was a rollercoaster ride. We didn’t realize how busy this summer was going to be with large campaign launches and how difficult it is to get noticed in a busy crowd. We’re immensely grateful for everyone that chose to support FAZA and also helped get the word out.

You can see how funding progressed over the course of FAZA’s month long campaign.